
<web-app xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin">
     - Configures the Message Listener connector with a MessageSender
     - to send messages to and a ListenerEndpoint to receive messages

       - Configures the Listener with the Resin ConnectionFactory and Queue.
       - Other JMS 1.1 implementations can replace the connectionAbstract-factory
       - and destination.
        <connection-factory resin:type="com.caucho.jms.ConnectionFactoryImpl"/>

        <destination resin:type="com.caucho.jms.jdbc.JdbcQueue">

       - The MessageSender sends messages to the configured queue.
    <connection-factory jndi-name="jms/sender"

       - The listener receives messages and processes them.
    <message-listener type="com.caucho.jms.jca.MessageListenerSpec">
      <endpoint-factory type="com.caucho.jms.jca.ListenerEndpointFactory">
          <listener resin:type="example.MyListener"/>

     - The test servlet uses bean-style init to simplify the code.
     - Applications may want to use a standard init-param and
     - JNDI lookup in the init() method.
  <servlet servlet-name="send" servlet-class="example.MessageServlet">

  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/send" servlet-name="send"/>